
Prepare talented Roma high school students for further education with the help of local mentors. 

Target group: 

Roma origin and/or disadvantaged students mainly from the 11-12 grades, who are able and motivated to continue their studies, but also need external help in their skill development, foreign language learning or graduation/entrance examination.  


The number of Romas in higher education in Hungary and the percentage of Romas with degrees are extremely low. Currently, according to a survey of Roma dorms, only the fifth of Roma and disadvantaged students go to colleges and universities have an intermediate language exam, while many of them have other skill disadvantages. The increase of higher education and subsistence-related costs may lead to a reduction in the number of Roma going to university and college, and then in the years 2000, partly thanks to the Roma higher education integration programmes, the started positive processes may further develop. This could have unforeseen consequences for Roma inclusion in society.  

The aim of the project: 

With the involvement of mentors, preparing Roma and disadvantaged secondary school students for higher education through development of their foreign language, social and technical skills.  The mentors are residential and available on training spots, who help to catching up and improving their skills. These adults support the students with individual development plans to pass in to higher education. 


Through mentors in local communities, the program reaches talented students who are preparing to study further, but due to their disadvantaged situation they lack language or other key competences. One mentor supports maximum two students for an assignment fee, through their weekly contact helping them with language, other courses and subject training opportunities. 

The main point of mentoring work is to reach and follow the individual development plan. The mentor’s tasks include developing students’ social skills and involving them in cultural programmes. The involved students receive other benefits as well (school supplies, sportswear, IT equipment if necessary) and can take part in preferably onsite provided free language and skills development courses. 

Expected results, impacts:

For those Roma and disadvantaged students who participating in the mentoring programme have a significantly increased chance of going to university/college. The aim of the development process, which takes one or two school years is that the students (with the help of their mentors) could have their language exams, improve their other skills and have the chance to apply to higher education. In school year 2019/20 and 2020/21 totally 40 students participated in the mentor program.  

Project period, support:

The project is supported by Swiss Auxilium found and Porticus Amsterdam C.V. from January 2019 until December 2021. 


Jesuit Roma College, Budapest (leading partner); Christian Roma College in Szeged